Monday, July 25, 2011

Potato Harvest

Well the potato harvest is in! We didn't end up with very many but I think it's because they were close together and the soil was hard. We also dug up some sweet potatoes just to "see" how they were doing. They definitely need more time. I think next year I will plant more and maybe do the newspaper and straw method. Has any one tried this before?


  1. Looks good! At least you have some potatoes- we didn't plant any this year. Last year we planted a few but they never did well :( You have some great harvests already!

  2. Wow, those potatoes look good! We debated planting potatoes this year, but ultimately didn't. In fact there were some other things we were going to plant but didn't as well. I got a wee bit overwhelmed, but next year I think I'll know what to expect!

    I also wanted to drop by and let you know I've awarded you a blog award. Feel free to stop by and check it out!
