Sunday, July 24, 2011

In the Garden

The blossom end rot was only on the first few of my tomatoes so now I have plenty to go around! I've given away several bags of them and today I made three pints of salsa:
And I still have this many left plus a dozen that will be ready to pick tomorrow:
 Also, here are the only flowers that I managed to grow from seed:
 I think zinnias are so beautiful! 

I have to ask, what do you do with all your tomatoes? Can 'em? Give 'em away? Freeze 'em?


  1. My tomatoes are still green, I'm impatiently, er, patiently waiting for them to ripen! In years past when we've had tons of tomatoes we have tons of BLT's, make salsa fresh, and canned, my mom almost always cans whole tomatoes as well. Once my are ready I plan on canning crushed tomatoes, making some tomato sauce, and then canning some salsa and spaghetti sauce!

  2. In addition to canning, we cut tomatoes into thin slices and placed them on a drying rack until they were pretty little wagon wheels, almost stained glass looking. We packaged them away to use in recipes, either whole or crumbled. My husband would sneak one or two as a snack as well.

  3. Can them! I planted 54 tomato plants this year and almost all of them will go into jars.

  4. I have a small garden so I don't usually get enough to can. I blanch and peel them, then freeze them whole in quart bags. They turn out great, and so delicious to have "fresh" tomatoes for sauce in the winter.
    I'm jealous - I only have 1 tomato so far this year.
    Visiting you from the barn hop!

  5. I make sauce with the bulk of mine. Very easy sauce using all of the tomato. Salsa, plain canned tomatoes and currently I have a batch of cherry tomatoes in the dehydrator

  6. Wow! You've done a great job in your garden. I haven't had a great deal of luck growing tomatoes. Just enough to make a few jars of salsa. I did grow a lot of yellow squash and I made some pickles and froze some. I was able to give a pretty good bit to our church food pantry. Most of the food they get to give away is processed. Several other people gave vegetables as well. It was nice to be able to give some fresh vegetables to the folk who came in.

  7. I hope to slice up a few more of my tomatoes tomorrow. Not sure if I'll put them on my BLT or just eat them sliced. Your salsa looks yummy! :)

  8. My tomatoes are STILL green, but I'd love to make salsa when they ripen. My question is: how do you make salsa that will keep... in a jar?

  9. Inviting you the Carnival of Home Preserving on my blog every Friday. Hope to see you there. Laura Williams’ Musings

    The most recent edition – – open until Thursday 6/7.
