Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Crochet Stocking for Walker

I crocheted a stocking for Walker using this pattern. I was surprised at how easy it was. It's just a single crochet all the way up and then I added a double crochet row at the end. I'm thinking of adding his initials to the top, what do you think? It's actually darker red in person, not sure why it looks a little orangey in the picture.

Well I better go make another one for the new baby so she won't be left out next year! :)

Yarn Along
Modest Mondays
Homestead Barn Hop


  1. Wow very cute!! I haven't touched my knitting in far too long. I did manage to make Jack a Christmas stocking for this year though. :)

  2. That is a great looking sock, I like the red and white stripes! Thanks for sharing the link.

  3. That is really cute! I was thinking about doing something like that but you always hear how difficult stockings/ socks are. Maybe I'll have to give it a try! Thanks :)

    1. I promise is was easy! All you need to know how to do is single crochet in the round and your good to go!!

  4. This reminds me of the stockings my mom crocheted for us years ago. They unfortunately got ruined in a basement flood but we got lots of years of good use out of them!

  5. really nice, it looks so professionally made but oh my, that had to be an awful lot of single-crochet stitches! :) - we don't have christmas stockings here, but I always liked the idea :)

  6. I love that stocking! I've been meaning to make a set for our family but just haven't gotten around to it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. That is super cute! And, yes, I vote that you put his initial if you can.

  8. What a lovely stocking! I crocheted a stocking recently and find them much more sturdy to hold their shape than knitted ones. Thanks for the pattern link :)

    1. That's good to know! I don't knit much so I've never compared the two with stockings.

  9. totally cute - like an upside-down candy cane!

  10. Love the red + white ... I'm a sucker for all things crochet!
