Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Week in Skirts: Day 4

I'm reposting an old picture here because this is basically the outfit I wore today plus a black scarf and boots. I didn't get a chance to get a picture so I figured this one would work. 

Is anyone else noticing a theme with all of my outfits?
Maxi + Plain shirt + Scarf + Jean Jacket + Boots
I guess I've found my signature skirt style and I'm going with it. 

I love wearing maxi's while pregnant because they have a stretchy waistband so they "grow" with me. Also, I have a pretty minimal  wardrobe so I tend to re wear all of my loved items. :)

Shirt: Given to me
Skirt: Thrifted
Boots: Maurice's
Scarf: Gift (not shown)

See you tomorrow for the last day!

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