Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Week in Skirts: Day 3

Today was super cold so I had to bundle up a little bit more! I'm rewearing my jean jacket from yesterday. It's a great piece that matches just about anything (especially skirts!) and is something that I'll be able to wear throughout my pregnancy since I wouldn't normally button it. I'm so glad I picked it up a few weeks ago!

Jacket: Thrifted
Shirt: Banana Republic
Scarf: Versona
Skirt: Thrifted
Leggings: Wal-mart
Shoes: Payless

Wearing skirts has been pretty easy so far except for a couple of things:

1. I feel like jeans are warmer for the really cold days. I know you can get fleece leggings, but I feel like that might be too warm for me.
2. My skirt and my leggings clung to each other today which was annoying and it also restricted my movement a little. This could be solved by wearing a skirt with a heavier material.
3. We go on daily walks to the park and I'd prefer to wear pants. I find it annoying (and probably not so modest) when the wind blows long skirts between my legs and gets all tangled as I walk.

Anyway, I'm having fun with the challenge and look forward to posting my last two outfits! See you again soon!

Modest Mondays


  1. Sounds like a very fun thing going on here :)
    New follower, I blog over here http://ramblingmomma03.blogspot.ca

  2. Last winter when I was pregnant I wore sweatpants (my husband's even) under my long skirts. Toasty warm. I have some fleece leggings I only wear them outside otherwise I would be too hot also. They really are very nice.

  3. P.S. I live in Michigan so it might be a little colder here than where you are. Haha.

    1. Yea, I think Michigan would be a little colder than Arkansas. :)

  4. When I'm wearing leggings under thinner skirts on those cold days, I usually wear a slip to help keep my skirt from sticking to the leggings. I know a lot of people would rather not wear slips--my sister hates them--but they don't bother me. :-)

  5. This is such a cute series! I rarely wear skirts just because jeans seem easier around the farm, but then again, past generations did it. I do like the femininity of it!

  6. Nice outfit!
    I wear skirts all the time. Some of the "tricks" that work for me: There are leggings in all kinds of thickness, so you should be able to find somthing that works. Except for summer, I always wear a slip. But if you're not into slips, the satiny kind of leggings will keep your skirt and leggings from clinging to wone another. With knit (maxi) skirts, I have a very plain (only has an invisible zipper) slightly a-line knee length skirt made from a thin denim material that I wear underneath to help keep the knit from clinging to my butt or legs. You can't tell, and it's really helpful, I find.
