Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gardening Journal - July 12th

I've been harvesting lots of tomatoes, banana peppers and jalapenos. Everything else hasn't done quite so good (corn, bell peppers, carrots). Anyway, here's a picture of our strawberry plants. They seem too look pretty healthy. I'm hoping for a nice crop next season. 
They look kinda ghetto in the random pots, but you use what you can, right?
We planted a second crop of potatoes in these bins. Your suppose to keep adding dirt as they grow and then just dump the bins when the leaves die back. We'll see how it goes...
 We pulled up our corn, potatoes, and carrots so we planted some sweet potatoes (hopefully it's not too late), cucumbers, carrots, and green beans. This is my first year to do a second crop in the same bed and I'm pretty excited about it. Plus, I've never grown green beans or cucumbers so I'll be learning a lot. 
 Here's our other bed still going pretty strong, except the okra is infested with aphids and ants (I gave them all a good spray with the hose!!) and there are these nasty black bugs eating my tomato leaves and pooping all over the place!!! It's disgusting and I WANT THEM GONE!!! I'm gonna buy some organic spray tomorrow so hopefully that will do the trick because they sick me out.

How's your garden growing?


  1. Good for you! We are hoping our garden will be more successful next year - with three very small children it's been hard to keep up with. Have you ever heard of using organic diatomaceous earth on your plants to keep the bugs off? It's non-toxic and works amazingly! You just dust the entire plants and ground in it.

    1. I've heard of d-earth, but never used it. I'll look into it! Thank!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I love that you're growing them in mismatched pots - I think that's half the fun of gardening!

    1. Thanks! Getting fresh strawberries is all that really matters I guess. :)

  4. Your containers are really nice! I hope you update on the progress of the potatoes. Here's a link that might help with your flea beetles on the tomatoes.

    Good luck!

    P.S. I am your newest follower. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog today.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'll have to check it out! :)
