Sunday, July 10, 2011

Homemade Laundry Soap - Round 2

I just made a new batch of laundry soap. This time I used Fels-Naptha and washing soda because I couldn't find Zote or a big container of baking soda. So far I like the Zote variety better because the Fels-Naptha scent gave me a headache and it's a smaller bar so I had to buy two. PLUS the Zote is hot pink which is way prettier than the yellow. :) We'll see how it cleans. I really need to try and find soap flakes which would make this process much easier. Does anyone know where you can find them?

I made my first batch of laundry soap in March so it lasted me four months. That's pretty good considering I only spent around $3 to make it. I do 3-4 loads of laundry per week and I've been using 1 tbsp for small loads and 1 1/2 - 2 tbsp for larger and/or dirtier loads. It seems to work pretty well. My clothes seem clean so I'm happy. Here's my recipe:

Laundry Soap

2 parts soap (Fels-Naptha, Zote, or Ivory can be used), grated
1 part borax
1 part baking soda or washing soda

Mix and store in air tight container.
Use 1-2 tbsp per load.


  1. thanks for sharing! I'd love to try this!

  2. Hey, I am getting ready to make my own but the recipe I have is for liquid. Have you tried the liquid?

  3. I've only done the powder because it seemed easier and less messy to me.
