Thursday, May 5, 2011

Garden Update

I haven't had much to update in the past few weeks because of all the rain and flooding, but I think that's finally over. We planted our seedlings and store bought plants yesterday. 

 Here's our corn. The soil gets really hard in this box so I'm not sure how well everything is going to do. I loosened it up around all the plants.
 Here's our sweet potatoes and cabbage. I forgot until we planted them that sweet potatoes like sandy soil. OOPS! I guess we'll see how they do in this thick, hard soil.
 Here's our tomatoes. This soil is super clumpy in this box. We added a few bags of potting soil so it wouldn't be as hard as the other one. Hopefully, they do well here, but I'm a little skeptical.

What's going on in your garden?

Linked at the Homestead Barn Hop


  1. You have a super cute blog!
    We haven't gotten into planting weather yet, but I am excited for it!

  2. The garden looks great! :-) You are doing so well.
