Saturday, April 30, 2011


As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've really been enjoying the benefits of stretching, but I want to find a program that's a little longer and more challenging with a Christ centered focus. I've looked at a few different programs and I think WholyFit looks the best. The DVDs are filmed in Costa Rica and all the moves are named after scripture. For example, the beginner program is based on the fruits of the spirit and the advanced program is based on the armor of God. I think they encourage you to memorize scripture throughout the workout as well. Here's the promo video for the basics DVD:

Have you ever heard of WholyFit? Do you have any suggestions for a calming, Christ centered workout? I'd love to hear them!


  1. Missy,

    thanks so much for your "happy due date" comment on my blog! I just saw it today...I haven't worked on my blog for quite some time! We had little Miss Aubrey Lee on March 28th! I just posted my first blog about her today...

    Thanks again for your sweet thoughts...hope you are well!
    Ashten :)

  2. I want to know more about WholyFit! Tell we what to do or where to go to find out how to do this please. Thank you!

  3. Hey Stephanie! Just click on the link above and it will take you to I ordered my DVD a few days ago and I can't wait to try it out!

  4. Hi this is Laura Monica from WholyFit. Thank you for your encouraging comments! I am so glad you enjoy the videos. Have you seen the new website? Check it out at there are some FREE ten minute workouts you might like. Love in Christ, Laura
