Thursday, August 30, 2012

My Daily Routine

Now that Walker is somewhat on a schedule I've been feeling the need to put our daily routine into writing. It's good for me to have a plan to work from and to help put some order into my days. I came across these verses this morning:

"If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living." -2 Thessalonians 10:12 

I feel like if I don't have a plan or goal for my day then I'm much more prone to "walk in idleness" which is not how the Lord wants me spending my days. Anyway, here is our routine that works for us right now.

7:30 - Wake-up/Feed Walker
8:00 - Get dressed/Eat breakfast
8:30 - Daily Chores (make bed, dishes, wipe bathroom, pick up house)
9:00 - Garden/Go on walk/Playtime
9:30 - Walker nap/Missy Quiet Time/Blog
11:30 - Feed Walker/Eat Lunch
12:00 - Weekly Chore/Run Errands/Playtime
1:30 - Walker Nap/Missy Blog/Craft
3:30 - Feed Walker
4:00 - Playtime w/Daddy/Missy Start Dinner
5:00 - Dinner
5:30 - Family Time
7:00 - Walker Bath (e/o day)
7:30 - Feed Walker
8:00 - Walker Bedtime

Things don't always go according to plan, but this is what I hope to accomplish in a day. Also, Walker's naps are not 2 hrs consistently, but that's my goal. Depending on when he wakes up from his second nap he sometimes goes down for a third, but I'm hoping he drops that one in the next few months. 

Anyway, that's our routine for now, but I know with a baby things can change pretty quickly!!


  1. Nice Routine! I love the verse! :)
    Megan Jenelle @ A Blossoming Homestead

  2. yes, really nice routine! I need one too :-D We have only one nap during a day and I´m thinking what I will do when she will stop with sleeping during a day :-D It will be hard to find time for blog or craft or quiet time....
