Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July Garden Journal

So basically our garden is one huge overgrown mess. Seriously.

I have to basically crawl on my knees to hunt for cucumbers and I don't even want to think about picking tomatoes because it's going to be ridiculous. 

We've always over planted, but this year it's just too much. We are definitely going to expand next year. 

I've been picking cucumbers and beans for a couple weeks now. Half of our potatoes are ready to dig this week. The cherry tomatoes are starting to ripen. Also, I've been harvesting basil for awhile now. This is definitely the healthiest basil plant I've ever had.

Another crop that's doing well are our bell peppers. I think we've produced a total of 2 bell peppers in the past three years, but this year our plants are loaded and actually look really good! I'm pumped!!

What's going on in your garden?


  1. Looks fantastic!! Better to have huge overgrowth than not much at all!

  2. I just went out to my garden and weeded last night for the first time in a few weeks. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but still took a while to weed (my garden is much smaller than yours!).

    We just signed a contract last night to sell our house, so all the wonderful produce that comes at the end of August will now be someone elses. Makes me sad, but I do have a few tomatoes and pepper plants in pots that I will take with me to a new place.

    Your garden looks good overgrown!

    1. How sad that you have to leave your garden!! I'm pretty sure that would break my heart. :(
