Monday, November 18, 2013

Vintage Waves Crochet Blanket

I started this blanket last winter, but it got pushed to the back burner over the summer as crochet projects normally do. I picked it up again last week since the weather has been getting colder and now it's finished!

I started it so long ago that I can't even remember the pattern that I used. I *think* it was by Redheart. Anyway, I chose neutral colors so that it would be versatile and classic. Plus, my living room is currently brown and creme. :)

I made it larger than a regular afghan so that it could be used as a blanket. I worked hard on it so I wanted it to be functional! Anyway, I'm glad it's finished so now I can move on to Christmas and baby girl projects. :)

Have you been crocheting/knitting lately?

Homestead Barn Hop
Yarn Along


  1. That looks lovely, I love the wavey pattern - I tried to make one similar but it ended up being really wonky along the edges! I'm currently crocheting a star garland for hanging at Christmas!

    1. I'm planning on crocheting some Christmas ornaments soon. :)

  2. Do you have a pattern reference? I have one blanket like this and I love it, would love to have another one.

    1. I think if you go to Redheart and search for wavy crochet a few patterns should come up.

  3. This looks amazing! I don't really know how to knit or crochet, but this makes me wish I did!

  4. I was working on an afghan but ran out yarn. Gotta wait for joanns to have a good sale. I did find some cute ornament patterns I may try. Ive been working on cross stitch and needlepoint though.

  5. Lovely blanket :) I want to make a giant ripple blanket for a bed one day. Think it's something I'll have to work myself up to lol
