Thursday, November 7, 2013

20 Weeks and It's A Girl!!

We went to our anatomy ultrasound on Tuesday and found out we are have a baby girl! I am so excited! I *may* have been hoping for a little girl. She is looking healthy and strong which is such a blessing to this mama. 

Also, I am halfway through this pregnancy as of yesterday. How crazy is that?! I feel great so far. I've been trying to walk everyday during the week and keep up with my prenatal exercises. Genevieve from Mama Natural has a great video (below) explaining some of the best prenatal exercises to encourage a correctly positioned baby and also to help prepare your body for birth.  

We are planning a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) this time around so I'm trying to do everything I can to prepare my body for a healthy complication free birth! 

Did you do anything to prepare for birth?
If so, do you think it helped?


  1. Yay! I was a little nervous about having a girl the 2nd time but she is so sweet and such a joy. I'm so thankful for her!! That's exciting about trying for a VBAC!! I hope everything goes smoothly for you!!

  2. Aw, you look great! I'm 23 weeks along with my first, and so we're not that far apart. My husband and I decided to do Bradley Method classes to help us prepare. We've said the greatest benefits have been accountability in nutrition and exercise, as well as just providing us with a greater understanding of the birthing process and how to respond. Births may or may not go according to "plan," but better to have a goal in mind than to be completely unaware. Praying for the rest of your pregnancy to go smoothly! It's amazing how much faster the time goes by once that halfway point is reached! :)

    1. How exciting! We did Bradley classes the first time around and loved them. Things did NOT go as planned during the birth, but we have a healthy boy so that's all that matters. :)

  3. I've had 3 VERY long deliveries (30, 24, 22 hours). I'm going to try some of those exercises next time and see if they help. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I've heard that walking can shorten labor. Hopefully thats true!! :)

  4. Yay! Congrats on a baby girl! We are loving our twin baby girls- so cute and so fun.

  5. OH! Yay!! I'm 33 weeks with our 3rd and this will be our first GIRL! We are soo excited. With my last I took red raspberry tea (or capsules) daily and I feel like it helped my body with preparation for labor. This time I haven't started it yet as I've been dealing with some "irritable uterus" (early contractions) and want to be safe. I'm doing pelvic rocks and some other exercises to get our baby head down! :D

  6. I'm 23 weeks with baby #2-a girl-yay!! I walked every day for an hour and drank lots of red raspberry tea in my third trimester last time. I had to be induced for high blood pressure but still had a natural birth (baby was posterior too!) I am doing the same stuff this time around-hopefully the exercises in the video you shared will help as well!!

    1. Awesome! I've been walking 30 minutes per day about 4-5 times per week. Hopefully it will help! :)

  7. A girl!! So excited for you and Mike and all that God has planned for your sweet family! :)

  8. Raspberry leaf tea, sitting on a fit ball, not laying/reclining back and regular walking to turn my little ones. All three were posterior until labour began. Increased all those things with each pregnancy and labours kept getting shorter. 9hrs induced, 4 1/2hrs induced and then 1 1/2hrs spontaneous labour. All the best with your vbac, I'm a vbac baby, way back 30 years ago when they weren't so common! Oh and congrats on finding out bub is a girl!

  9. Congratulations on your pregnancy! If you are interested in having more than a couple of kids, it is indeed best to avoid multiple cesareans if you can. While most women have multiple cesareans without issues, it does raise your risk for various placental complications. So if you can avoid more, that's a good idea.

    I'm a VBAC mama myself (4 children; 2 cesareans and then 2 VBACs). You might want to check into ICAN, the International Cesarean Awareness Network,, which helps women who have had a cesarean. I also have quite a bit of cesarean and VBAC information on my website and blog, and

    Everyone is different, but personally, the thing that helped me the most towards my VBACs was getting regular chiropractic care in pregnancy. If you are having a lot of back or pelvic pain, it's a sign that something is out of alignment, and it makes it harder for baby to be in the easiest position for birth. A good pregnancy chiropractor (esp one who knows the "Webster" technique) can do a lot to help your baby be in a more optimal position. It's not a guarantee of a VBAC, of course, but it really can be helpful to many women. It certainly was key for me personally.

    Congratulations again and best wishes for your next birth.
