Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Super Simple Pie Crust

I've always been kind of intimidated to make my own pie crust. I've heard that if you don't do it just right then it won't turn out right. But after finding this simple recipe that requires few ingredients and no rolling I figured it was time for me to give it a whirl. This is the perfect pie crust recipe to try if you've never made it before because it's so simple and really hard to mess up. It turned out tender, flaky and delicious!

Super Simple Pie Crust

1 3/4 C flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 C vegetable oil
2 tbsp water

In a medium bowl, combine flour and salt.
Stir in oil and water and mix until just combined.
Form dough into ball and place it in a greased pie pan.
Press dough out evenly until it covers entire pie pan including the sides. Make sure you press it thin where the side and bottom meet. Crimp edges if desired. 

To Prebake:
Poke with fork and bake at 400 for 10-15 minutes.


  1. I feel pie crust always turns out, it just doesn't always look pretty. In my college foods class, I had pie crust as my final....stressful. I had too many air pockets, but got the A anyway because I could explain why. I am really enjoying your blog :)

  2. I've never heard of a pie crust that doesn't need to rolled out. This looks simple and like it would work splendidly. For some reason I've never been intimidated by making pie crust but I know a lot of people are. Would you be willing to share this recipe post and any of your other great ones at our Making Monday link party? We would love it and I know our readers would, too. Thanks. Have a fabulous week. http://www.abrightandbeautifullife.com/making-monday-10/

    Lori @ A Bright and Beautiful Life

  3. Hi, I found your blog through the Homestead Barn Hop! I always dread making pie crust, therefore we don't eat many homemade pies :-). Your recipe looks so easy; I'll give it a try. Thanks!

  4. I will certainly give it a go. Do you pre cook it before adding the filling or not worry about that ?

    1. I think that depends on the recipe you are using. Some want you to precook and some do not so I would just go by that.
