Monday, July 9, 2012

Garden Happenings

Since our corn didn't do very well this year, we bought a few dozen from a produce stand. 
We shucked 'em, blanched em' and froze 'em!
 We also got some peaches and froze them in 2 cup portions to make cobblers. 
 It's crazy how much work goes into preserving (even just to freeze!). I don't know how women used to do it with babies to take care of! They must have helped each other out a lot. 

Anyway, we dug up our potatoes and carrots tonight. The potatoes did pretty good especially since we didn't hill them or do anything, but the carrots were pretty puny. We fed most of them to the neighbors goats.

I'm gonna replant the ones that are sprouting and see if they will make before our first frost. I think I'm gonna try growing them in baskets this time. Has anyone tried this before?

What have you been preserving or harvesting lately?


  1. This is so cool. We live in LA so we don't even have a yard.

    New follower from the hop!

  2. Hmm...I'm thinking ladies probably had "canning" parties, like they had quilting bees :) :) :) Then they'd get to take home all the efforts of their labors ;) :) OH, it's a lot of work, but I think your efforts will pay off later,when you want to make something fabulous and don't have a lot of time :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  3. mm mm!! this all looks delicious! :)
    p.s. i love your bloggy name!

    came over from the HOP!

  4. Thanks for linking up at the GFC Blog Hop today!!

  5. Wow! I am impressed, we have a bunch of flower/garden boxes out back that we just put in. I put in lavender and mini roses this year and next year I really want to plant stuff in the garden. We live in a town home so we don't have to to much space. Although I want to ask our HOA if we can use some of the common area as a common garden :-)

  6. A lot of big farmers are worried about loosing their corn crops to this year because of the lack of rain! Our corn luckily did okay because we have control with watering them. Here where we live they don't even irrigate water for crops because usually we have enough rain. So all this heat and no rain is the blame! Your potatoes look great! I would love it if you came and shared this at our very first link party!
