Friday, March 30, 2012

Two Weeks

Walker was two weeks old on Wednesday! This is where most moms say, "I can't believe it! The time has just flown by!!" but honestly for me, the time hasn't flown by very quickly. Having a baby is such a huge adjustment and dealing with the massive drop in hormones after pregnancy is not easy people!! But things are getting better everyday for this momma and sweet baby boy. Walker really is such a good baby. Breastfeeding is going well (he eats like a champ and literally gulps most of the time) and I haven't had too many issues that go along with that which is a huge blessing.

We went to his two week appointment today and he weighed 10 lbs 3 oz which was up 8 oz from his last appointment. I'm so happy about this because when your breastfeeding you wonder just how much your little one is actually getting. Walker is already wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. He never really fit into newborn diapers. He eats every 3 hours during the day and goes 4-5 hours at night. I've been waking him up at the 5 hour mark at night because I've been worried to let him go longer, but the DR said we can start letting him sleep as long as he wants to and wake us up since his weight gain has been so good. This makes me soo happy!! 

Mama loves you sweet boy!!


  1. Congratulations Missy and all!
    Your sweet boy is a blessing from above... Ours is 16 and still sweet as the say we gave birth to him...Enjoy, and rest when he rests.. .very important for new moms... especially breast feeding!

  2. Fun fun fun!! SO glad to hear you are adjusting easily!!

  3. He's so sweet! Glad everything is going well!

  4. Walker is precious! Totally understand the hormone drop. I was such a wreck after my first two babies, but this time around I've continued drinking red raspberry everyday and I've had very little problems.

  5. He is just SO cute! So healthy-looking. I love the picture of Walker sleeping- his eyes, nose, mouth and chin are adorable!

  6. What an adorable baby!

  7. I love you both so much!! You are such a good mother...

  8. HONEY STOP WAKING HIM UP!! I didn't get much further in your post because I saw that and thought about how you are hurting yourself more than you realize. God made that baby to know when he is hungry, and he will wake up, but you MUST sleep as much as possible your poor body is going through so much recovery, and if you get him on a schedule to wake up then when you are ready for him to sleep he won't! I have no doubt in your skills as a mommy, but you have to trust in the grand design that God made that baby. He won't go without food I promise, when he is wet, dirty, sleepy or hungry that "mommy will fix it" cry will come out without fail.

    You deserve to sleep too mom. You had a C-section which means you are dealing with major surgery as well as sleep depravation, and body recovering from a meat grinder.
