Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Crocheted Baby Blanket

We're doing an Americana theme for Walker's nursery (pictures to come soon) so I decided to make a blanket to match. This is my first crocheted blanket and I think it turned out well! I did it in double crochet and then added a scalloped edging.

Yay! I'm so glad it's finished! 


  1. My goodness gracious. I keep seeing these beautiful things you've done, and I still cant seem to go anywhere but one way. Do you have the video you learned from? My attempt(s) have looked AWFUL. Great job. It is gorgeous!

  2. Hey! The video I learned on is in this post:
    it took me awhile to get the hang of it, but once you do it's easier to progress than with knitting (at least I think).

  3. I like the Americana style...and the colors you chose are nice. I tend to go for the darker, muted tones. This will be a sweet nursery when your little one arrives. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
