Thursday, October 6, 2011

Preparing for Cold/Flu Season

We can learn a lot about being prepared by looking to the Proverbs 31 woman. She's "not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household are clothed in scarlet." (Pro. 31:21) She "laughs at the times to come," (Pro. 31:25) because she is prepared and doesn't worry. She "looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness" (Pro. 31:27). She is a wonderful example of what it means to be prepared! One thing that we can start to prepare for now is cold and flu season. We know its coming because it does every year! Below is a list of some of the things that I am stocking up on or always try to keep on hand in case of a sickness:

-Chicken Noodle Soup
-Saltine Crackers
-Kleenex Tissue
-Chap Stick
-Cough Drops
-Garlic and Cod Liver Oil Supplements
-Hydrogen Peroxide (to disinfect the house and to pour into ears when cold symptoms begin)

We don't like to take cold medicine so I don't have any on hand. I can't take it anyway this year because of the pregnancy. I still need to stock up on a few more things this month before any sickness hits:

-Tylenol (for fever)
-Elderberry Syrup (to boost immunity)
-Fresh Fruits and Veggies (to boost immunity)
-Orange Juice/Gatorade/Sprite
-Vitamin C Chewables

Another way to prepare is to try and prevent sickness from even happening. Here are some simple tips on preventing colds and flus:

-Get flu shot
-Sleep 8-10 hrs nightly
-Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
-Take Vitamin C and Garlic Supplements
-Take Elderberry Syrup
-Drink lots of water
-Practice good hygiene
-Try to keep hands away from face and mouth
-Clean underneath your fingernails wear bacteria lives
-Try to get 15 minutes of fresh air and sunlight per day

What are you doing to prepare for the cold/flu season?

Growing Home


  1. Last winter, I told myself I wasn't getting sick (at least not if I could help it!). I got my first-ever flu shot, drank lots of water, took my vitamins, and washed my hands like I was a surgeon. Some people thought I was a little nuts for being so vigilant about it, but the sickest I got all winter was about a two-day mild cold that cleared right up! You're so right--preparing beforehand makes a huge difference!

  2. I'm going to try and do more prevention this year. Last year I got a few colds right in a row and they seemed to last forever! Finally I got sick of being sick and I started pouring hydrogen peroxide in my ears to kill the bacteria and letting it sit until the bubbling stops (which takes forever!) This seemed to help soo much and make my recovery much quicker! This year if I get any symptoms I'm going to try this first thing! Thanks for commenting! :)

  3. Thanks for the great tips, I have never heard of using hydrogen peroxide in ears, that sounds interesting, I know I use it for so many other things and love it, so I will have to give this a try. I also never thought of Cod Liver oil, I will have to look into that as well- thanks so much for your advice, Great post! ~April

  4. I usually don't prepare for cold and flu season. Usually I don't get colds or sick very often, and I don't think I've ever had the flu! My husband had it one time, but I didn't catch it. This year though I've already had two or three bad colds which seems unusual to me. I think I'm going to start ensuring I'm eating healthier, and I have been considering taking vitamin C. Those will probably be all I do though. I've never tried peroxide in ears before so I may have to try that as well! I do know gargling salt water to be very good for sore throats though.
