Monday, October 3, 2011

Our Last Harvest

 Well the sweet potatoes are in and a couple of them are HUGE!! This is our last crop for the season so we're done with the garden except tilling and fertilizing it. I'm a little bit disappointed because all of our crops came into season right in the thick of my first trimester and tomatoes (plus everything else we grew) grossed me out!! Good thing I planted 25 plants, right?!? Ha it's alright I gave most of them away to our parents and I made some salsa. It was all a big learning experience anyway.

On another note, does anyone know if sweet potato roots will grow in water? We shall see I guess.


  1. Hi,
    Your blog address was sent to me by Lorrie Flem the publisher of Eternal
    Encouragement magazine. I am the Head Mama (coordinator) of a blogging
    program called The Gabby Moms. We are a group of moms that review and
    blog about Eternal Encouragement products. We are looking for moms for
    our 2012 program.

    To learn more about our program, you can visit our blog at:

    Lorrie has been to your blog and thinks you would be a good fit.
    If you are interested, please fill out this application:

    Thank you for considering our request,

    Head Mama
    The Gabby Moms

  2. Sounds interesting! I'll go check it out!
