Monday, September 19, 2011

My Spending Fast (Updated!)

When I evaluate how I'm doing as the "manager of our home" I can see a few areas where I've become weak. Especially in the category of eating out. I'd say we eat out on average about 1-2 times during the week and 2-3 times on the weekends. AHH!! Talk about a leak in our $25 a week entertainment budget! While this may not seem extravagant I know we can save lots more money if we simply limit our eating out.

Anyway, in an effort to redirect my priorities and get myself back on track with our budget I've decided to go on a four day spending fast. Four days doesn't sound like much, but it will be a good amount of time for me to evaluate my goals and set up a game plan going forward. This spending fast has no exceptions. I'm not allowed to spend money AT ALL. My gas tank is full, my recent bills have been paid and there's food in my kitchen, therefore I see no reason to add any loopholes. I might even consider implementing this on a weekly basis for Mon-Thurs just to keep my eating out in check and myself on track.

What do you think? Have you ever gone on a spending fast? If so, why and for how long?

*UPDATE: My fast went pretty well. I ended up ending it Thursday night though instead of Friday morning, but I do believe it served it's purpose! I think it would be a good thing for me to implement a few "no spend days" per week just to keep my priorities in view and keep my spending in check.


  1. I think it's a great idea!! I've definitely done it before, and have seen a positive impact. When I've done it, I've done 3 days at a time just to see if it would make a difference and it definitely did!

  2. I think it is a fab idea! I really need to try it - I want to start making my lunches at home as it is getting so expensive to buy ready made ones on work days.

    I always find something I need just as I start something like this though!

  3. Sounds like a plan, Missy. In order to save money and energy (the latter being a real problem for me), I am trying to implement a "make up menus for a month and then shop for all the staples only once a month" policy. So far, I'm only up to 2 1/2 weeks, but that's an improvement. It does seem to cost less this way because you are forced to use what's on hand. Of course, I still have to get milk, eggs and produce more often. Central AZ farmer's markets close down in the summer, but they've just opened again. I was hoping to plant more this fall (we have two short growing seasons here) but we moved and I didn't get around to it. I will still be able to at least plant lettuce, spinach and the like. Our new house has an orange tree and date palms. Next year, I would like to make date sugar, which is kind of like agave syrup but easier to make. But with my health problems, that is probably just a dream...I am also going to a class next week on how to use desert plants for food and medicine. I'm not sure how practical it will be but we'll see!

  4. Great idea! I really like the whole Monday through Thursday idea...those are the days when the little miscellaneous things pop up and money gets spent, but they add up quickly.
    Can't wait to try this!

  5. How's the 'fast' going?

    I wanted to let you know that I've wanted to do this for a while, just never had to will. But, you've inspired me and this week I started my fasting spend too!!

    Like you, I hope to do this weekely and not spend money Monday - Thursday. We don't eat out a lot during the week, however I do enjoy the occasional "get the heck out of the office and take a trip for a coffee" treat. I've used the "I deserve it" attitude to validate spending the money, but always kick myself when I sit down to do bills and see how often it happens.

    Thanks again for the encouragement. I hope to make this an every week thing!

  6. It's going pretty good so far. I'll have to post a review tomorrow. :)
