Thursday, September 8, 2011

Grace and Homemaking in the First Trimester

Even though I didn't have a horrible time in my first trimester, I still spent a lot of it resting and feeling nauseous. I definitely wasn't feeling normal and I had to accept the fact that my body was (is) working overtime in creating a new life! During this time (and still as I continue this journey) I've had to give myself grace in the little things, such as keeping up with the dishes and making sure a meal is made every night. I'm not gonna lie we've eaten out more in the last few months than normal, but I've grown to accept that as part of this journey. I beat myself up over it a few times, but I've come to learn that I need to extend grace to myself. I need to relax and let myself rest even if the laundry gets put off and my husband has to fend for himself for dinner. I want to encourage other mothers in this stage of pregnancy to remember that our work is unseen at this point, but it still is work! We need to remember that God sees and knows and allow ourselves the rest and grace we need in order to grow a healthy baby. It truly is a struggle just to get the important things done some days, but praise God He gives me the strength to do it! I rely a lot on Lamentations 3:22:23 which states:

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."

This verse has helped me look for and find God's mercies everyday and I've realized that they truly are new every morning! I always have something to be thankful for and some place that God has been merciful to me in my day! So as I continue this blessed journey and come to a less difficult place (the second trimester! yay! which by the way still has it's own struggles) I hope that what I've learned can encourage others on their wonderful journey into motherhood!


  1. Great post, Missy! As morning sickness has really kicked in this week and all I feel is nausea and exhaustion, it makes me feel terrible for my husband! But it is so neat to see him patiently caring for me and helping with the things I can't do - he's always reminding me of Christ even already through this. This time is definitely a stretching blessing. :) Hope you have a great day!

  2. What a beautiful verse from Lamentations. You are so blessed, Missy, with the miracle of pregnancy- enjoy it!! My husband and I are eager to become parents too- we have been TTC for over 7 months now and I'm starting to grow impatient...I must remember to trust each day in the Lord's faithfulness and his plan for me despite the disappointments during this journey :)

  3. Thanks for the encouragement Megan! I know that this pregnancy is a huge blessing and I thank God everyday for it! I can imagine your impatience with TTC. I went through a period of worry and impatience too. I pray that He will bless you with a little one very soon! His timing is perfect! :)

  4. Missy, thanks for linking up, I've missed you the last few parties! Okay, so I'm way behind.... congrats on your itty bitty! You have a great perspective during your pregnancy, you have such a vital job right now, growing a healthy little baby! Enjoy nourishing you little one and keep your right perspective!

  5. Something every Mother, & pregnant lady should rememeber! New follower! Great blog!
