Monday, June 20, 2011

Garden Update

Lots of exciting things are happening in the garden! It's been about 2-3 weeks since I last updated and a lot has happened since then. I've had to deal with pests and we have produce on the vine! Here's a look:
 Here's our massive amount of tomato plants. I had a dream last night that they were all turning red! I guess you can say I'm ready for my home grown tomatoes. 
 Our corn is pollinating:
 We have lots and lots of tomatoes on the vine. This one is beefsteak, but mostly we have Roma's growing so far. 
 Here are our bell peppers. Salsa here we come!

I know I say this a lot, but gardening and growing most of my plants from seed has been such an awesome and rewarding experience for me.

 We're getting close to harvest and canning season! Yay!
How is your garden growing?

Join us for the Homestead Barn Hop


  1. Your garden is lovely. The produce looks very healthy. I have a few tomato plants--currant tomatoes, prudens purple and a pink variety. It has been cool and rainy here, no tomatoes yet.

  2. You sound like me! Isn't it so exciting seeing the fruit and veg come on from seed. We began gardening about four years ago, and this year I've taken all my brassica plants, tomato, peppers etc on from seed.
    Oh, and our first strawberry is turning red. Woohoo!!

  3. Thanks! I'm so excited to eat my first tomato…yum!

  4. I'm jealous, your garden looks so great! Can you send some sun here so mine will grow too?

  5. I'm sorry you haven't been getting sun! I'd send it if I could!

  6. Your garden looks much better then mine! Mines still a baby... probably should've planted it sooner, but our weather has been so weird. Seriously our last freeze was at the end of May. Really odd. Beautiful garden though! And it is so rewarding to see the fruits of your labor.

  7. Love the garden and photos!!

    I planted a small garden but I cant wait! I planted some veggies and herbs.

    Only thing is my flowers arent doing well! :(

  8. Yes my flowers have all basically died. I'm not sure why they were more finicky than the vegetables. Most didn't even germinate!
