Thursday, June 2, 2011

Garden Update

The garden is still growing like crazy! (Unfortunately so are the weeds.)  I staked a few of my tomato plants last week. Also, a lot of the tomatoes have blossoms on them! Yea baby!
 I ground some eggshells into powder and sprinkled it in this bed for a boost of calcium. Has anyone ever done this before?
 Our cabbage is getting huge:
 So is our corn:
 These are our potato plants. We only planted them about a month ago and they are as big as the corn! 

Well I guess that's all for now. Hopefully soon I'll have some baby produce to talk about! :)

Linked at the Homestead Barn Hop


  1. How exciting!

    I have planted herbs and have attempted to grow tomatoes from seed - there are actual seedlings appearing! I feel so protective towards them which is a little crazy!

  2. Ha how funny. I have a special attachment to the plants I grew from seed as well. :)

  3. Your garden is looking wonderful! The corn looks amazing- I hope to maybe plant corn next year. It will be so satisfying when it comes time to the fruits of your labor :)

  4. I put all of our shells from our chickens in the dirt. We don't take the time to crush them, but after the garden is done, they get tilled in for next year. So last years eggs were tilled into this years dirt :) Beautiful garden!!

  5. Lookin' good! :-) I always think of a saying my dad (who grew up on a farm) always said about the corn. "Knee high by 4th of July." At least that is what farmers go by in our neck of the woods.

    Great job!
