Sunday, May 22, 2011

Garden Tour

My garden is looking so healthy and strong right now! It's so exciting! I can't believe how much my tomatoes have grown in the last two days. It's crazy! Here's a quick tour:

 Sweet Potatoes, yum!
 Baby Carrots.
 I need to thin them, but I haven't looked up how close they can be yet.
 Potatoes. I can not believe how quickly these are growing! It's crazy! 
 I can't believe I started these from seed just 9 weeks ago.
 Bell Pepper
 Cayenne Pepper

Gardening is so satisfying! I'm really enjoying it and learning so much. 

That homegrown tomato is getting closer by the day…

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  1. WOW! Looking good indeed! I wish it would stop raining her in the midwest so we could even get our stuff in the ground!

  2. Thanks! We've gotten quite a bit of rain as well and its not done yet! We have three more days of storms coming up. :(

  3. I don't know if you have looked it or not, but Carrots are 3-4 inches apart after thinning.
