Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Dressing Table

I'm pretty casual when it comes to clothes (along with pretty much the rest of my generation). Its not uncommon for me to wear jeans and a t-shirt several days in a row. I don't wear make up or jewelry everyday and I'm glad I live in a time where this is acceptable. I'm thankful that I'm not excepted to wear a dress and always have my hair and makeup done. However, there is something romantic and uniquely feminine about these practices. I'm a girl after all and still love to dress up, just don't expect me to do it all the time.

Maybe it's because I've been spending a lot of time in flea markets these days buying silver platters and vintage jewelry, but I've become increasingly attracted to all things beautiful and feminine. I feel like it somehow connects me to the millions of women who've gone before me. That's why I love the idea of having a dressing table. It's a space filled with feminine charm that's dedicated to help you primp and dress, what more could a girl ask for? While I don't have one yet, here's some inspiration while I keep searching for that perfect piece:

What do you think of the dressing table? 
Do you have one in your home?

Linked at:
Raising Homemakers


  1. I don't have one, but those are pretty! Maybe someday!

    Stopping by from Women Living Well!

  2. i think a dresing table is a great idea. it give you a chance to take five minutes for yourslef and od your hair and make up( if you wear any). but its also a place where you can put all your lovely jewellery and pretty boxes and all the things that girls like and that make us smile.

  3. Great idea! I'm blog hopping and found yours! I'm now following. Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!

  4. I grew up with one. Since going to college and getting married I haven't and my appearance has suffered! (okay, that's an excuse I know). I have a pretty writing table in storage that when we move I might make it into a dressing table.

  5. I like the idea of a dressing table. I like the idea of being able to take the time to sit at one, too. Someday, maybe, it will be reality for me... :)

  6. So well said, Missy! It makes me want one too!
