Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Crocheted Bow Tie and More Vintage Patterns!

I made Walker this bow tie to match his Easter outfit and I can't wait for him to wear it! All I did was crochet a single crochet rectangle and wind yarn around the center. I think I'm going to hot glue a clip to the back so it will come on and off easily. 

Also, I finally got my 13 lbs of vintage crochet patterns that I won on EBay!! It was like Christmas opening the box. I was soooo excited!! It had patterns from the 1930s-1980s. Anyway, I thought I'd share some of them with y'all.

I really like both of these tops. The blue one is knit so I couldn't make it, but do you think I could pull off the crocheted one?

I also like this skirt. I might have to make it for the summer, 
but what would I wear underneath it??

These are knit and I would probably never make them, 
but I thought they were too cute not too share:

I'm thinking of making the panties potholder. 
What do you think? 
Do you remember your grandmother having these? 
I think these patterns are from the 40s.

I love both of these patterns! The robe isn't very practical, but sooo cute! I will be in so much trouble if I have a girl one day because I'll want to make her everything!!

Sweet little dress:

I really like this jacket and pants set, don't you?

What is your favorite pattern? 
Have you ever worked with a vintage pattern before? 
If so, do you have any tips for me??

Hookin' on Hump Day
Yarn Along


  1. That bow tie is too cute. My little guy loves ties, I think I will have to make him one!
    My favorite pattern is the little girls swim suit, but the crochet skirt is pretty funky too.

  2. Oh my goodness that bow tie is so cute! He will look so handsome.

  3. This is adorable! I think my little nephew needs one of these!

  4. Love the bow tie. I made a knit bow tie for my nephew at Christmas, but don't know how to attach it. So, how did you attach it?

    1. I am going to hot glue a clip onto the back and just clip it onto his shirt

  5. My favourite is the crochet overall (no. 38). It is gorgeous. As to experience with vintage patterns I have only knitted from those knitting magazines from the 1970s that my mum has, so I can't really tell. But Im really curious to see what you might be making.
