Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spring Planting Schedule

Zone 6 - Last Frost Dates: March 30-April 30

Start Indoors:
Tomatoes - March 12th
Onions - March 12th
Peppers - March 12th
Tomatoes (2nd planting) - March 26th

Early Planting:
Carrots - April 9th
Peas - April 9th
Spinach - April 9th

Late Planting:
Corn - April 23rd
Cucumber - April 23rd
Corn (2nd planting) - April 30th
Zinnias - April 30th
Carnations - April 30th
Marigolds - April 30th

Harden Off Started Seeds: 
April 23rd

Transfer Started Seeds:
April 30th

I'm hoping this will work out right. I really don't know what I'm doing and I'm kinda just guessing when I should be planting. Does anyone see any major mistakes? I'd love the input!

Linked at the Homestead Barn Hop

1 comment:

  1. Your planting schedule looks great! The main thing is to plant outdoors after danger of frost!
    I've got my herb seeds started! That's my post at Dandelion House for the hop today!
    Good luck!
