Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Planning My Garden

 My gardening experience is as follows:
1. Occasionally helping my grandma when I was younger
2. Planting a few vegetable plants one year in college
(my mom basically took care of them)
3. Planting random vegetables around my grandparents yard one year in June (nothing came from it, but hot peppers)
4. Growing already started tomato plants last year in the backyard

That's it. That's all the gardening I've ever done. That being said, I'm so very excited to be planning my first garden. I spent most of Sunday afternoon trying to map out a tentative garden plan. I had many conversations with my grandparents. They know just about as much about gardening as any book could ever tell me. I used a companion planting guide and I'm putting Marigold's throughout in hopes to deter pests. 
I've discovered that gardening takes lots of planning and organization. I thought I was being a little overzealous in starting my garden plans in January, but I've found I'm actually right on time. I need to order my seeds in the next couple of weeks in order to figure out the best planting dates. I need to make a planting schedule and figure out what I'm going to start indoors and when to plant my cold weather crops outdoors. I've also started to collect egg cartons and milk jugs for starting seeds. I'm learning so much just through the planning process and I look forward to learning so much more throughout the planting and harvesting seasons. I'm sure I'll have some heartaches and a steep learning curve, but I'm praying for the best! Here's the gardening library I've been compiling (all but one from the thrift store of course!)

On another note, I found some canisters that fit my style AND were very affordable ($1.95 each).
Yay for flea markets! 

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."
-Genesis 2:15


  1. I grew up with vegetable gardens and miss having them!

    I do plan to have a little balcony garden in our high-story apartment this Spring!

  2. Hi! Good for you! I'm sure I'd at least plant some herbs and tomatoes if I had a balcony. :)

  3. A great book for you is Square Foot Gardening. That's the method many, many are going to for their gardens now and the method I plan to use this year.

    I found a tin like those several weeks ago in a thrift store, it's Nestle Morsels one :-)

  4. Hi Amy! Thanks for the tip. I've never heard of Square Foot Gardening I'll have to look it up! :)
