Friday, January 14, 2011

Glorifying God Through Homemaking

I've been thinking lately about how to effectively glorify God through my role as a homemaker. I came across this post yesterday and it really encouraged me. It basically says that we're suppose to give of ourselves sacrificially in our homemaking in order to Glorify God. This is so simple and so true. In order to honor God in our homemaking we need to be giving of ourselves daily to those that He has entrusted to us. We are suppose to serve our families through cooking, cleaning, laundry, prayer, encouragement or whatever tasks that need to be done. We are suppose to do this with a content and joyful heart in order for God to be Glorified. These verses have also encouraged me:

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever 
you do, do it all for the glory of God." 
-1 Corinthians 10:31

"If anyone would be first, he must 
be last of all and servant of all." 
-Mark 9:35

What if we were to truly live these verses out? What if we were able to glorify God in literally every breath that we took? What if we were truly able to make ourselves last and servant of all? I want these verses to sink into my soul so that I might begin to live them out. I want to be content and joyful in whatever task I'm doing. Lord Jesus help me to grow in these areas and keep the true purpose of homemaking in my heart.


  1. Thank you for your comment today on my blog :)

    This is a great post!

  2. Missy, I truly believe God has given you the deep desire to be a homemaker and your good at everything you touch when it comes to this. I think it is really amazing how different we are from each other but with the same goals. I LOVE being a nurse, it suits my calling and personality. I Love that God uses us all in many different ways. I just want to encourage you and let you know that I see you live out your mission statement and desires everyday in every way. You are genuine, pure, and loving. Im am so blessed to call you my sister.
    Love You

  3. Thanks Amy! It's amazing how God created everyone to be different in order to work out His perfect plan. I love you!

  4. Thank you for your post, and for the link. Both were very encouraging!!

  5. Missy, I'm so encourage that the Lord is showing you how you glorify Him through homemaking! It's very challenging at time but, very worth it! It's something I have to reevaluate each day and depend on His grace for every moment.

  6. Hey new follower! Found you on the Raising Homemakers link-up!

    Have a wonderful Week!
